All posts by ravencraft

Miracle on 6th Street

As you may know, in addition to my spiritual work I offer what I call paranormal entertainment at I am regularly featured at the Museum of the Weird, where I give tours of the artifacts and a brief taste of what I do, normally in the form of intuition games.

(This article was typed using voice dictation, as an experiment.)

The other night, I was at the Museum of the Weird until midnight. It was a long night, with many tours, and large groups, and I was ready to change modes. The wizard needed food badly. I was walking back to my car, where I had been fortunate enough to get free street parking on a Sunday. Often it is not available, and I have to park in the garage, so I have to keep an eye on the time lest my parking rate jump to the next level. That means I normally leave 6th Street to get something to eat. Also, 6th Street becomes a sort of teenybopper haven at night and I end up feeling like the old guy in the club. Hell, I probably am the old guy in the club!

An Austin staple, and there are fewer and fewer of them left, is Casino El Camino. They are a pretty chilled out, grownup bar, with a kitchen that stays open until 1:30 a.m. A while back, they had a fire, and were closed for some months. I don’t go there as often as I should, and had not been for some time. I walked by, then thought “I should go in and check it out.” I turned around. Then I turned back toward the car. Then I turned back around, thinking “I don’t have to worry about parking. Why not?!”

I walked inside, and started looking for a place to be. As I’m wandering, someone calls my name, “Saul!”

I look, and there is a table of three gentlemen whom I had seen earlier in the museum. I remember that one of them acted as “The Guardian”  for a game that we played. One of them explained to me, that they had just been thinking about me. In fact they had hoped to catch me at the museum, but arrived too late. They decided to go to Casino El Camino and get something to eat. Actually, with the timing that they said, they had probably left just a few minutes before I did. There’s always some break down, and other details to deal with at the end of the night. I rarely get to leave right at midnight.

They invited me to sit down, and we had a lovely conversation. They were an interesting bunch, in town for business, and do some pretty heady technical stuff. Essentially, they analyze  power utilization in major data centers, really major data centers. They have been in the heart of iTunes. They’ve been in the heart of Netflix. They’ve been at the heart of places they couldn’t even tell me about. Their analysis allows someone running a data center to see where there might be impending hardware problems. It also provides a model to aid in projection of future needs. Fascinating!

As a bonus, the music that night was a wonderful blend of old-school offerings. We heard everything from classic rock to Herb Albert and the Tijuana Brass! By the time it was all done, all of my stress of the day was gone. It was just what I needed!

What  intrigues me is the way that all this came about. They sought me out. They were thinking about me. I walked right by where they were. Normally I would have kept on walking, but something kept drawing me back to that place. Did they manifest me? Did I go in there because somehow I connected with their thoughts of wanting to see me?

These are the sorts of little things that make my world so interesting. It’s easy enough to chalk it all up to coincidence and just get on with things. I find that these sorts of coincidences stack up as I continue to make my way down the rabbit hole. In one of my presentations, I note that “When we tune into things, it’s not like a big glowy thing. It feels like a coincidence, so we blow it off; we forget about it.”  Noticing how these coincidences stack up is part of what takes you off the main, boring path and onto a manifesting path. On its face, my silly little incident doesn’t mean much. But, lumped in with all of the other similar events, it shows me that things are happening. More than that, it reminds me that I should expect things to happen. How fun is that?

2018 – Time to look at the numbers

sparkling trails of light drawing out the numbers 2018 in glowing light to welcome in the new year

I began a tradition a few years ago of starting the new year with some numerology projections. So far they’ve born out pretty well. It’s that time again! Let’s jump right in.

First, let’s look at the year itself, which I project from 1/1/2018. The key number for this year is a 4. That is a number of work—meticulous, detailed effort, hard labor. There is a lot to be done this year. It’s not glamorous. It’s the sort of cleaning out the garage work, the tilling the soil work, the sanding and painting work. It doesn’t have to be drudgery and it doesn’t have to be ugly, but it will require rolling up the sleeves and getting down to it. Everyone will be struggling a little and having to put in extra effort for things. We’ll be much more like pioneers trying to hew a living from the land than futuristic beings living in the clouds.

The benefit of a working year is that it has the potential to empower the individual. The work needs to be done. Are you going to expend all of your energy into raising up someone else’s dreams and goals or are you going to be working your own garden? True, you’ll need to put effort into keeping that job as you get greater demands, but you can also channel some of that energy into your own space. Don’t give it all away. Use this energy to craft something for yourself as well. A working year can help you connect with your own skills and capabilities. It can help you get better organized and sharpen your abilities. Any skill you develop is yours to keep and use for your own purposes. Use this energy to get things done that you’ve been putting off and clear your plate for a more adventuresome 2019.

Must we talk about President Trump? I suppose we should. Trump’s life path number is a 5, which means that he is an explorer. He is always seeking new ventures, new opportunities, new experiences. For him, this manifests as boredom and impatience. Something needs to be happening and if won’t happen on it’s own he’ll stir something up. That’s his core energy.

However, in 2018, Trump’s number is a 4, which is in line with the year’s energy. He will have a lot of work to do as well, and will be driving those he influences to deliver more. The affinity between his personal year and the year itself doesn’t necessarily mean that it will be a good year for him, just that the vibrations match. However, when we combine the numbers we get an 8, the money of resource and prosperity… so he’ll likely have some luck with him.

Another prominent figure with Trump is Kim Jong-un, who has a life path number of 4. His life’s theme is constant effort and work. This creates a vibration of constant effort. Nothing will come easily. For this year, his number is 13 (which becomes 4). The 13, however, suggests difficulties. This is not going to be an easy year. There will be a lot of pressure and probably some missteps. It’s going to be a difficult year.

When we combine the numbers for Trump and Kim Jong-un we get that 8 again, suggesting that the two of them will personally benefit through their connection this year. That could mean that they broker some sort of peace that creates prosperity. It could mean that their conflict enforces their own brands and their stock goes up for their supporters. Regardless, they are going to be good for each other this year.

What about the United States? The main life path number for the USA is a 5, which is also about adventure and change. In 2018, the USA also has a 5, which says that it will be a year of affinity for the country. The USA will be very much in its own element and will be exploring and experimenting. This could be very positive because it might mean some level of transformation in line with the greater good. Maybe this will be the time when people realize that no one else is going to fix things and they get to work themselves. The energy of the year is right for personal effort, for struggle. If we combine the numbers for the country and the year we get a 9, which is about community. This is actually a very hopeful sign that the country as a whole can overcome any personalities involved.

For myself, the theme this year will be digging deeper. I have a number of areas where I want to develop myself and what I do. I have several areas of personal education that I will be focused on, learning Spanish, developing my skill as a hypnotist, developing myself as a writer and presenter. I will be preparing myself and my arts for some bigger stuff in 2019. I will try to use this year’s natural energy to keep me focused and not be too distracted by all the shiny things.

Overall, it doesn’t look like 2018 will be much of a party year. It will be more of a “cleaning up after the party” year. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, though. This time of regrouping, reorganizing and clearing/preparing the space will create a fertile environment for a lot of innovation in 2019. There is value in this work. Keep your head in the quality of what you are doing rather than the toil of it. Delight in how accomplishing these tasks come together to improve the environment, to build the foundation for what is to come.

Of course, your journey this year will have its own nuance and vibrations. Reach out and I’ll help you find out how to combine your own vibrations with what happens in 2018 to use it all to your full advantage. These prices will be good through the end of January. Use the button below to order.

Happy New Year everybody!

Use this form to order your numerology outlook for 2018. The Lucky Numbers reading is a basic numerological overview that describes you key numbers, the foundational energies around you. The 2018 Outlook expands that to look at how your energy connects with 2018. The 2018 Projection adds a month-by-month look at the flow of your year so you can plan for specific opportunities. Readings will be fulfilled through email.

Type of Reading
Your birth date (d/m/yyyy)
Your full name

We had the Winter solstice. Now what?

Yesterday it was hard to get away from the fact that it was the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year. There were articles like this one from Newsweek, of all places: Winter Solstice 2017: Meanings and Celebration Ideas From Witches, Druids and Astrologers. Like many events in the wheel of the year, the Winter Solstice, or “Yule,” is a threshold. (Many think all that singing about Yule-tide and such is about Christmas. Have some fun with that!)

Crossing a threshold is a big deal. Some of them are hard to get to and they are all worth noting, but what is most important is usually what happens on the other side of the threshold more than the doorway itself.

Many of us are familiar with the lunar cycles, the waxing and waning of the moon. Metaphysically, one will aim to manifest things in the waxing—growing—energy and to banish or lessen things in the waning—diminishing—energy. With a solstice, we are working with the solar energy, a much longer, but no less important cycle. For many months we have been working our way away from the sun and its energy and power has been growing less and less. When we are furthest from its influence we are much more ruled by the lunar energy, connected with emotion, intuition and many of the more shadowy things. It is no coincidence that this season between Samhain (Halloween) and Yule (Christmas-ish) when the veil between the physical world and the spirit world is considered thinnest. It is no coincidence that these are the times when we think about what we want in our future, make plans and resolutions. This is a time when the darkness and the weather turn us inward to hearth and home, family and friends. We are a little more focused on survival, and the blessings that allow us to survive. If we are quiet enough to listen, we tune into a lot of stuff here.

Now it’s the day after Yule. (I had to finish this a little late, so it’s technically a couple of days after.) The sun is returning. The days are already getting longer. Just as the new moon marks the lowest point in the lunar energy, Yule marks the lowest point in the solar energy. It is returning, bringing more light and warmth with it. This is the time to begin nurturing all of the things that we want to grow, all the plans that we have. New Year’s resolutions aren’t just a quaint tradition. They are proclaiming our goals and what we want to bring about, using the power of the growing sun.

Interestingly enough, I did a mini reading for a mother and daughter that we will call C and S. One of them took a reading with my tarot cards, the other used my common playing cards. These are the cards they drew.

These are actually the same card. The pentacles of the tarot evolved into the diamond of the playing card. The knight evolved into the jack. Clearly, this mother and daughter have their destinies tied together. The message of the cards is also ideal for Yule. This is earth energy, what we nurture and grow, what grounds and centers us, where our true bounty lies. The knight is a card of questing, of pushing forward, of getting away from the comfortable and journeying forward.

From my perspective this is exactly what the post-Yule energy is all about. We’ve sheltered ourselves from the darkening days. Now it is time to look toward the planting season and the work that leads us to the next harvest. Don’t we have a good deal more of cold to look forward to? Of course we do! But as we wait for the spring, we will begin to prepare our minds and our means for action when the sun, again, warms the earth and the ground is ready.

We have learned from our time of enhanced intuition and spirit connection. We have been inspired by revelations. Our vision has changed or clarified. Now it is time to begin building the path to realizing that vision.

What do you think about the solstice alignment thing?

This was a question I was actually actually asked by someone at the Museum about the solstice. I think they were referring to the event mentioned in the article I referenced above about the two astrological events coming with the solstice. We are hitting the end of the Mercury retrograde (the favorite metaphysical excuse of many for many problems) and the sun moving from Sagittarius and into Capricorn.

My opinion on any events is that we need to know what the conditions are, but that we don’t cancel our important journey. If our intentions are sound we don’t cancel them because the ride may be a little bumpy. We use what we know about the conditions and plan accordingly. Clearly the rising energy is going to require that we be organized and that be prepared to do some detail work and deal with some levels of process. Continuing with the travel analogy, airport security is going to be tighter and they are going to be cracking down on all the rules for this trip, so we know the rules and we follow them. If faced with an obstacle, we work with the system to fix it. We won’t make this trip based on luck as much with planning… but we will still be home in time for the family. We may need to pack more carefully and leave earlier. We may need to send some packages that we had planned to carry. There are answers to everything, but we need to be prepared.

I feel this way about any interesting astrological event. Understand it, but don’t be ruled by it. We will likely be affected in some way, but we’ll work our way around it.

Looking forward

Looking forward is exactly where we should be right now. We are through the darkest part. Everything is onward and upward from here. Make plans. Make important plans. Envision what you want to manifest and grown in your life. Make clear intentions and begin the groundwork to manifest them in the upcoming year. You are still driving. You are always driving.

9/13/2017 — Four of Swords

photo of the Four of Swords from Robin Wood's tarotAnother late entry where I end up drawing the card in the morning and write about it at the end of the day. I suppose that’s not so bad, because I get to reflect on how the card actually did connect with my day. My only requirement is that I must address the card on its day. No setting it aside and letting it be tomorrow’s card instead!

Today we get the Four of Swords. Disused swords hang, reverently, around a stone efigy. This is a tomb. We don’t know who this person was, but they are clearly important. The swords hanging in the tree look almost like a tribute. Are they the swords of comrades or enemies? In either case, they have been laid to rest, an act of great honor.

One is tempted to view this card negatively, as a sign of death, but that is not its meaning. We are not looking at the life of an individual meat puppet, but the journey of the soul. When the body is laid to rest, the soul journey’s on.

Many traditions suggest that when a life cycle ends the sould takes time for reflection and stillness. That is what we see here. All distractions are ended. All needs and demands are removed. Nothing more is expected. Nothing more is asked. Repose, rest, reflection, meditation are all that is here. Anyone who journeys to this place is also expected to enter into quiet reflection.

When this card appears it is a call for release, for quiet. It is time to let go of control and not worry about the chaos of the world or the tasks left undone. It is time to make a full stop and simply reflect, simply be.

You would expect this to be a welcome card. Who wouldn’t like to just drop out of things a little and rest… but many aren’t sure what to do with this energy. It reminds me of the phrase I’ve heard (and sometimes used) in the go-getter mode: “I’ll sleep when I’m dead.”

We don’t really want it to come to that, but our society demands constant motion, constant production. We don’t respect rest, yet we must have it.

I had great plans for myself today. I had several things that I needed to get done. Then I had to deal with a mild health issue for a family member. It wasn’t a big deal. It wasn’t life threatening. It did require me to just set aside my list and go buy some things at the drug store and go help. My checklist is all unchecked.

At one point in my life this would have been very frustrating. I might have even stressed the importance of my time and tasks and demanded that someone else handle this. I did not. I did not even explain how I was doing this in spite of all the important things that I would now leave while I did these errands. I simply let it go for the moment. A new priority had emerged.

Upon reflection, it’s not so bad that I did not get some of these things done. I didn’t even spend my day thinking about the things I hadn’t done, or the possible consequences, or how much better things would be if I hadn’t been interrupted. I actually just let it all go. I spent the time thinking simply about the new tasks at hand, which did not require a whole lot of mental investment. Outside of that I allowed my mind to simply rest a little. No need to worry. No need to dwell.

In general, I think I did some honor to this card in my day. I also think that seeing it before my day changed made me much more open to being more relaxed about it all. This was a good exercise of using the card to help me address my day. As the day draws to a close I am not stressed. Tomorrow is a new day. I pay no price for today. Everything was as it needed to be.

photo of the King of Cups from Robin Wood's tarot

9/7/2017 — King of Cups

photo of the King of Cups from Robin Wood's tarot

Today we greet the King of Cups. Cups are connected with the element, water. This is a flowing element that moves easily from one context to the next, allowing itself to be shaped. It is a cleansing element, also connected with healing energy. Water also calls to mind intuition, collaboration, creation–particularly artistic.

The king invokes a strong male energy and all that goes with that. The king rules less by art and more by decree. He could be a tyrant, but he is a man of honor, using his reason and his power for the greater good of his kingdom, knowing that when all prosper he does as well.

When a person, this is a compassionate man, fatherly, kind. He is artistic and the water energy causes him to be even and balanced in his demeanor. This is a deep person, but quietly powerful.

When cards like this appear there are several possibilities. I might encounter this man. If I do, I should pay heed because he will likely have an influence on me today. Perhaps this is a call for me to bring out these qualities within myself. A single card has little context, like a lone word. That’s why we normally lay out a few others to create a complete sentence.

I will try to be a flowing, quietly powerful force today. I will allow myself to be shaped by the day a bit and not worry about controlling my day. If I encounter this energy in another I will try to engage with it and see what opportunities come.

9/6/2017 — Six of Wands

photo of the Six of Pentacles from Robin Wood's tarot

The triumphant hero returns. He is greeted by throngs of enthusiastic people who cheer his arrival and praise him as he rides, upright, through the streets. His banner flies in the breeze of a beautiful day as flower petals are strewn at the feet of his steed.

The quest may not have gone according to plan. History may revisit these deeds later with harsh criticism, though they weren’t there. Today, however, none of that matters. Today is a good day, a proud day!

This is not a bad card to see at all. It shows that despite the hardships and the struggles that things will be appreciated and rewarded. People are paying attention. You will get the rewards that you have earned. Set aside the bad news. Set aside the critical voices, especially those internal ones that obsess over imperfections. Today, accept the praise and join in the celebration. Today is about today.

As I reflect on this card for myself, I have a certain amount of relief. The last few cards, especially the successive appearance of The Chariot and Death, made me a little unsure of what sort of vibration I was building to. It could have been a card of loss and turmoil. The Six of Wands suggests that the path is opening up and that I should be bolder. So, I did take some bolder steps today. I started an event a few had asked for, gathering people for a regular dose of positive, manifesting energy. (I’ll write more about that soon.) I’ve been considering this for a while, but the appearance of this card with the others suggested that the time for action is right now. Do I feel completely prepared for it all? Absolutely not! That doesn’t matter. It’s not really so much about what I think or get from it but what others do. This is not about self-evaluation. It’s about honoring the opinions of others when they raise you up.

Some of us are not good at accepting praise. Perhaps we’ve been teased or dealt with some abusive behavior that conditioned us to think that praise was not sincere or that we were not praiseworthy. While true that we should not be focused on the opinions of others and that we should follow our own heart for our path, we can get so lost in living the “hard, cold truth” that we ignore or even discount those people who are raising up our good qualities. Accept the praise. Enjoy the party.

photo of the Death card from the Robin Wood tarot

9/5/1967 — Death

photo of the Death card from the Robin Wood tarot

OK. Here it is, the most abused card in any story, TV show or movie that invokes the tarot. This is it. We’re going to die! Game over! Pack it in! Say goodbye!

When doing a spread for someone the appearance of this card is often followed by the words “hang on a minute” by the reader (or at least me) because of the negative reaction this often invokes. (Thank you lame-ass TV shows, stories and movies.)

So, what is this card about? Most spiritual cultures agree that death is not the end. There is something that continues outside of the crude matter of flesh and goes on to do other things. It is a threshold, albeit a door that tends to only swing one way and locks behind us. We can go through, but we won’t pass back this particular way again. It is a card of transformation, of evolution. The caterpillar is consumed to become the butterfly and emerges anew.

When Death appears things are changing and not in subtle ways. Something big is changing. There is certainly an air of “Careful what you wish for.” You can’t necessarily prepare for what is about to happen, but you can decide to be open to it. What happens next is likely for your greatest good. You will be taking on new things and leaving some old things behind. What you leave will be left forever.

This card appears during life changes. It is a harbinger of new jobs, new relationships, new discoveries. That’s good stuff, and should be welcome. However, it’s not necessarily gentle with routine and may have some shocking reverberations as you grow accustomed to the new situation.

I can’t help but think of this beautiful song (which I really must start performing myself) when I see this wondrous card.


Alone, this card is interesting and means that things are going to start happening NOW. I’ve been open to—and needing—change in parts of my world. I’m open to it and I welcome it, though I would like to manage it somewhat. That’s OK, though. Let it come!

Of course, if I look at this card in context with yesterday’s card, The Chariot, I should fasten my seat belt. Things are moving and changing and I should prepare for massive, perhaps even rapid transformation and change. It all points to good stuff, but some stuff is going to be left behind. I should be packed light and ready to go. I can’t possibly predict what is about to happen. It’s not for me to to say. I must be ready to flow and not resist. Am I up for this? There’s only one way to find out. I have to let myself be taken through that door.

9/4/2017 — The Chariot

photo of The Chariot card from the Robin Wood tarot

Another one of the big ones makes its appearance today. This time it’s The Chariot. What a beautiful card! A golden-haired figure strokes a harp and sings as white and black unicorns pull him in a beautiful, star-studded chariot.

The Chariot talks about travel and movement. We leave trouble behind and we find harmony, balance, triumph. Things which need to move will move, even if it’s us. If we’ve been looking for a change of scenery this is our ticket! Overall, this is a tremendously positive card.

This is a late entry, so I have already experienced much of the influence that this card brings, though I suspect I am at the beginning of its affects and that I will be feeling them for some time to come. Without delving too deeply into personal issues, I do need some changes in my world. I need different actions and activities. I need them to carry me through to the next part of my journey. This card says that the motion has begun and I should begin packing my bags and picking the sights I want to see.

I admit that it is difficult for me to see what this card promises. So much seems to stand in the way and to hold me back from the journey. But I don’t have to predict how it will work. I can accept that the journey has begun and, in accepting, call to me the things that are required. I must also be conscious to not reject these things as they appear. Let the vacation (see vacate) begin!

9/1/2017 — Eight of Pentacles

Photo of the Eight of Pentacles from the Robin Wood tarot deckToday’s card comes from one of the mini-stories we see throughout the Minor Arcana. We see a young boy doing apprentice work. He is carving pentacles over and over and over again until he can do it perfectly without thinking. It is the lowest rung on his way to mastering his craft. He probably doesn’t appreciate this. He probably feels like he is being squandered in this task. He feels ready to move forward, but the master can see what is lacking. He will continue in this tedious work until it is time to move forward. Later he will likely look back on this time with a different appreciation, understanding its value and necessity.

This is a card of learning and doing the hard, low-level work to acquire skill and knowledge. Movies and television show that we learn things through montage, an edited sequence of moments where the hero builds ability with a few humorous mishaps along the way. He emerges a new man, fully capable and ready for the task. In reality, this sort of development takes time, and rather a lot of it. Studies suggest that one needs to spend 10,000 hours doing something to achieve expertise. Assuming that one worked 40 hour weeks at a thing, mastery could occur in about 5 years. Reality, though, in our modern society is that one will likely spend more like 10-20 hours a week on the actual item of mastery, the rest of the time spent in meetings and various other things that are not the core work. That means it takes between 10 and 20 years to achieve mastery.

When we take on new things we start over to a degree. Yes, some experience may carry over, but that will only show in the evolution. We must be prepared to take on new learning with the same diligence and deference as a much younger version of ourselves. Overnight success is the result of years in preparation. During this apprenticeship, whether actual or self-imposed, we will have to work through our mistakes. We may have to suffer some indignities and disrespect by other, more accomplished people in the craft. We may be treated like a child. These things do not matter. What matters is the dedication and determination to see the thing done, to not just be competent at something but to be amazing at it. Many never make it that far. They give up too soon.

The appearance of this card should reassure you that you can learn new things. It’s a good time to take something else on, provided you are patient with yourself and accept that it will take hard work to achieve. It should also remind you of the value of the hard, underpaid, underappreciated work that you do right now. It is not for aught. Provided that your work is a part of a further goal and not merely submission to the will of others, enduring this time builds the skill and strength that you need to cross that next threshold. So, whistle while you work, envisioning that day when you leave this behind and move to the next level.

It must be related, though. Washing dishes is not going to make you a rock star. Practicing your music and playing gigs is needed. Washing the dishes may help to fund that and be a part of the bigger picture, but if you’re not putting in the musical effort it will never go further. Washing dishes becomes your secret identity, while the other work continues. This is all exhausting and it can be easy to become discouraged. The Eight of Pentacles is here to encourage you and say that it really is all worth it.

Now I reflect on this card for myself. I am in the midst of all of this. While I have accomplishments, I am somewhat new on the current version of my path. I attract respect from some and derision from others and I am prone to the frustration of wanting to be further on the path, faster. Yet, all the work needs to be done, and there are no shortcuts. I can see the bigger vision or at least parts of it. It’s becoming clearer every day. The things that frustrate me today are relevant and I try to keep that in mind and maintain a sense of humor about it all. That’s not always easy.

Today I have some tasks to perform and I will do them, though it would be nice to be at my leisure today. I have some learning I should be doing that I have let slide because I was “busy.” I need to be more focused on that as well. Everything around me at the moment is building the better, more confident, more competent me. Later I will look back on this time with a different appreciation, recognizing its value and necessity.

8/31/2017 — Three of Wands

A lonephoto of the Three of Wands from the Robin Wood tarot figure looks out over the bay as ships approach. He is dressed in a livery with a crest, so he looks official. The sky shows the oranges and yellows of a dusk or a dawn. Are these ships returning friends? new visitors? invaders? Whoever they are, they are coming and he will sound a call of either joy or alarm.

This is a card of signs. In general it feels joyful. It doesn’t have the ominous darkness that we would expect from bad news. Traditional interpretations say that these ships bear prosperity, resources for future growth, things which will positively shape the future. The ships that ventured out into danger return laden with profit and luxuries. Soon the market will open and be filled with people, anxious to possess these amazing goods from distant lands. Their experience will broaden as they connect with items and flavors of another culture. They will be transformed as they incorporate things and ideas that evolved elsewhere. That’s good stuff!

However, I also consider the lookout, standing day by day, gazing into the bay, waiting. He is not an adventurer on the ships. He is probably not a merchant who will profit by any of this. He is suspended, driven by the impulse of the ships to give a call for action. Don’t we sometimes find ourselves in that position? We freeze and wait for a sign, wait for our ship to come in. We want something to show that our action is warranted, some proof that we are on the right track. When this card appears it is a sign to stop waiting! It’s happening now! It’s time to leave the lonely perch of the lookout and to welcome things into our life.

For me, shortly after drawing this card I had a brief conversation with a business connection about expanding our collaboration. There is some risk involved. It could open new doors for me and create a better energy and opportunity for the kind of work that I need to be doing. However, it could also create some waves and ripples in my “sure thing.” This card reminds me to be excited about the new and exotic things that are arriving. I need to be confident as this approaches and seek the opportunity rather than dwelling on the obstacles.