All posts by ravencraft

7/28/217 — Queen of Swords

Photo of the Queen of Swords from the Robin Wood tarotMore swords today! You’d think there was a theme surrounding me right now!

Today it is the Queen. Again, this card can represent a person who may have influence in my day. This would be a woman who carries herself with confidence. She is very perceptive and quick-witted. A sort of warrior princess. (She does have a sword!)

Swords calls to air energy: freedom, disorder, chaos, the resistance to containment. The wind blows where it will and cannot be stopped. One can only shield from the wind. Swords can also point to conflict—again, disorder.

Whereas the King of Swords called up the more orderly energy, the Queen suggests a more intuitive, collaborative, flexible energy. In situations of conflict one should look for opportunities to negotiate and, perhaps, compromise. This is not about giving in, but looking beyond the letter of the law and more into its spirit.

For myself, this card will need to reveal itself. I don’t really have much in the way of obligations today, so I am somewhat at my leisure. I don’t expect to encounter any conflicts and have no negotiations to work with today. Perhaps it will apply to something, but I can’t see what. I will embrace the spirit of air today, and allow myself to blow freely and not try to impose structure. I will look to be flexible and be open to letting things stretch beyond the limits of my expectations. I will also look to my own intuition and wit where it can apply. If a new friend appears I will pay attention to what she can reveal to me. She may have answers I hadn’t considered.


A strong woman, intensely perceptive, confident and quick witted.

7/27/2017 — The Devil

Photo of The Devil card from the Robbin Wood tarot
The Major Arcana are the twenty-two cards of the tarot deck that tell the big stories. The are the archetype influences, major plot points, strong energies. Some of them, like The World, are welcome energies. Some of them are alarm bells.

The Devil is one of those cards that can bring a level of tension into a reading. The traditional version of this card shows the big, scary monster version of a cloven-hooved, behorned, throne-sitting monster of a devil, ruling his hellish domain. Robbin Wood takes the card in a different direction, which I very much like. The Devil is less about nefarious beings tempting and enslaving us than it is about our own greed, desires, and materialism trapping us. In this picture we see the two naked, desperate, would-be thieves. Clearly danger is on its way. Escape is at hand. All they have to do is leave that treasure chest behind. Will they do it? Probably not. Their faces show their determination to have this thing at all costs, but it’s impossible. Ensnared by their own weaknesses they will be captured, tortured, punished. All they have to do is let it go.

Danger! Danger, Will Robinson!

When this card comes up it is a sign that the influence is not of a spiritual nature, but of a worldly one. Animal tendencies are taking over the higher functions: lust, greed, selfishness… Our basest instincts and emotions are brought to bear.

However, is that all bad? One of the authors I have read is Anton LaVey, the founder of the controversial Church of Satan movement in the 1960s. In his works, he promotes the pursuit of personal pleasure and fulfillment in this incarnation as the prime purpose for life. His movement said that we should not be afraid of our animal instincts but embrace them. Do that which pleases you. Of course, it might very well please you to be helpful to people and to build and create, but you will do it because it is what you want, not because you are afraid of the consequences.

“Do what thou wilt.”

So, what do we do with that? I’ve grown to believe that The Devil is not always a negative card. It forces us to face the animalistic side of ourselves. We are creatures and cannot free ourselves completely of our instincts and desires. All we can do is balance them with our more spiritual pursuits and try to place them in harmony with everything else. When this card appears it is a call to evaluate that side of existence. Are you letting your desires get in the way of what you want to achieve? Are your motivations, or those of others, not for the greatest good but for baser satisfactions? Alternatively, is it possible that you are in a state of denial, trying to separate yourself from the animal side? Do you need to address your own beast, and maybe give it a good brushing and a treat?


In general, The Devil warns of excesses, and that should always be considered. For myself I will need to ponder this card a bit. I can see where my own baser elements could be getting in the way of higher purpose. I can also see where it might not be so bad to dance with the devil a little, provided that I can maintain my overall balance. Today I will be alert to temptation and manipulation. I will be cautious not to be driven by fear but by choice. I will not try to defeat the devil, but I might need to play chess with him a little. I will not blame circumstances, or chance, or nefarious forces for the consequences of what happens today. I still have the most control over what I manifest in my life.

It sure would be nice to have a few cards around this one for some context! Oh, well. That’s the nature of the Card a Day game! Today will not be boring!

7/27/2017 — Knight of Wands

Photo of the Knight of Wands from the Robin Wood tarotToday’s draw was the Knight of Wands. Again, this is a card that can represent a person or an energy. As a physical description, this would be a young man (18ish – 30ish) He could have reddish hair or complexion. He could be a fire sign: Aeries, Leo, or Sagittarius.

As an energy, the Knight of Wands is connected with fire, our passions, the ambitions and things that drive us. It’s more the energy of achievement than artistry, the entrepreneurial energy. This knight is a heroic figure who charges in, ready to do what is needed. He is focused on the task and able to ignore the distractions that would lead him astray.

To me, knights are also questing cards. These are the times when we dare to move from our stable base and reach out for something new. It’s a call to explore. to try “that thing.”

As I turn this card to myself I can see a number of things. I have allowed myself to become a little distracted from certain goals, not applying my energy to movement but rather excusing myself. (I’m too tired, too brain dead, too drained from what I’m doing. These other things to the side will happen when I have more energy.) These things are all true, and yet they will remain true until I redirect some of my energy to expansion and progress. Again, this is a call for me to be bold. More than that is is a direct call for me to be taking action.

The questing aspect of this card is daunting. The knight travels from the safety of the fortress into unknown territories. He does not have the luxury of protective walls and comrades. He must face whatever lays on his path and bring his skills to bear. I must trust that I have what is needed to move ahead on the path and that sitting still is not an option.


7/25/2107 — King of Swords

Photo of the King of Swords from the Robin Wood tarotThe card for today can go in different directions. It can indicate a person, or it can indicate a kind of personal energy.

In situations where a card is used as a significator, a representation for the subject of the reading, this would symbolize a dark-haired, mature man. If it shows up in a position that could indicate a person, it might be that, or a person of strength, intelligence, and powerful will. When it shows up in a place that points to the person having the reading it indicates those qualities of maturity, and power. The king also indicates masculine energy, more logic, reason, and rule of law than intuition, flexibility, and collaboration.

Swords are connected with air. They can bring with them a certain amount of conflict and chaos. However, the king is in control. He stands his ground. He stands by his word and what he has decreed. But, does this mean that now is the time to take a stand or that one is being stubborn in a situation that requires some flexibility? It’s all about context.

In a card a day, we don’t really get context. The purpose of laying out several cards together is to help define the purpose of each card and to get some interaction between the meanings to tell a more cohesive story. So, cards that can represent several things can be a little puzzling on their own.

For myself, today, I can see a few areas where I am going to be called upon to have stronger will and to exercise my kingly energy in the face of conflict. It will be better to try to handle these situations with reason and more contracted means rather than relying on what feels right. Do the math. Get it in writing. However, I will also keep my eyes open for that connection with a man who seems to command his own path. He might be very helpful to me today and I should take advantage of that.

7/24/2017 – Three of Cups

Photo of the 3 of Cups from the Robin Wood Tarot deckThis is a nice card to see on a Monday. The tree of cups speaks to good fortune, artistic inspiration, connection. It sure looks like a party is going on here and I’m invited.

This card has always made me think of the Greek Muses, the personifications of inspiration in the arts and sciences. I always see this card as a sign of ideas flowing, new possibilities emerging, seeing the world in a wonderful new light. This card is about the Eureka! the Aha!. It’s a time when something falls into sharp focus and you know what needs to be done next. This is less associated with business and romance as it is with the creative side.

As a writer and performer as well as a mystic, I welcome this energy. I have, for some time, had a concept of aspects of performance that we do to honor the muses. This is the harder, more obscure work that we do that will probably never find a broad audience, but we are compelled to it anyway. I see those creations as sacrifices in thanks to the inspiration the muses provide.

Today would be a good day to ponder possibilities, to think on what creation needs to happen next. It’s an ideal day to sit down with a notebook and scribble on that sort-of idea that’s been floating around, or creations that have been waiting for me to have enough brain to think on them. If I can avoid rational logical work today I should. Instead, give my day over to creation and designing the universe that a I want for myself. Don’t go anywhere without the means to record an idea today! They will be hitting all day long! For me, this as a very favorable card and I welcome it! Let the ideas begin to flow!

7/21/2017 – Ten of Swords

Photo of the 10 of Swords from the Robin Wood tarotToday’s card is not a pretty one. A figure lays, pierced by 10 swords. It reminds one of Julius Caesar, assassinated by the Roman Senate, including someone he thought was a close friend. This is a card of betrayals, of terrible consequences. It’s a card that speaks to conspiracies and people who don’t have your best interest at heart.

Sometimes a card like this speaks to current circumstances. Sometimes it speaks to the wounds of the past. Without any cards around it we don’t really have any context, so it’s just a depressing image.

This is a challenging card. It’s one of the cards that I dread when it comes up in a spread because it screams out “No! It really is that bad…maybe even worse!” It looks like the worst fears coming true and maybe they are. *sigh*

So, what good can come of this card? Well, Maybe this shows the end of a cycle. The villains reveal themselves and now you know who they are and can fight them or avoid them. The worst is done, the only way is up. If there are people plotting secrets the plot is revealed. It’s harder to ambush someone if they know it’s coming. Wariness can help you tone down a disastrous situation by confronting it or . It’s time too look around and see if there are warning signs. Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you.

So, reflecting this card back onto myself. I tend to be pretty open with people. My instinct is to be helpful without worrying about reward. On more than one occasion this has come back to bite me with significant consequences. Will I transform that naivete into the heart of a mercenary? Probably not. I working to change how I connect with people, though and to disconnect from the people who are not interested in mutual growth. There are a few things lurking around in my world, people and situations, where I should be more wary and probably less trusting. I don’t like that perspective, but it is likely the truth. I feel I’ve done a lot to disconnect from the toxic influences in my life but some are still there.

I will look out and be cautious about things that give me alarm bells. I will try to look below the surface, especially when my resources are involved. I will also try not to let the wounds of the past make me cynical and unable to connect with people who do care. I will be aware, but not afraid. I won’t let the bastards get me down!

It’s important to face a hard card. Because I am removing a card from my deck each day I do this I am guaranteed to face and reflect on the toughest cards. This was the first one. I hope that doing this helps me to face them when the come again and to help others face them when they turn up in a reading… and they will.

7/20/2017 – Seven of Cups

Photo of the 7 of Cups from the Robin Wood tarot The 7 of Cups shows a woman with fantastic visions floating above her. Her head is literally in the clouds and she is lost in dreams.

Dreams are good and imagination is important, even critical, to manifesting. We must be able to see what we want to achieve so we can call it to us. However, sometimes we get so attached to the visions that we fail to take action. Be careful about getting lost and spending your time dreaming away the possibilities rather than executing on what you want to accomplish. You’re dreams won’t come true without your help.

For myself this card is pretty relevant. I have a tendency to overthink things and to re-imagine them repeatedly, enjoying each improved version of the vision. It’s fun, and easy to do as I sit and wonder why more things aren’t happening to me. The truth is that I need to always be bolder in may actions because a partially realized reality is always better than a perfected vision that never comes to be. So… off to take action on something!

7/19/2017 — The World

photo of The World card from the Robin Wood tarot deckToday’s card is The World. This is one of the cards from the Major Arcana, which are the big, archetype symbols of life. The World shows many possibilities, a world of possibilities if you will. It shows that there are no limitations, but that any direction, any desire is possible. Goals are coming to completion with success. Pathways are opening. The only limitations are those of choice.

This card also reminds me a little of a magical portal… a doorway into other dimensions, other planes of existence. This is a sign that I can walk through to any world that I choose.

For me, this is a good card. (It would be a good card for anyone!) Right now I’m looking at my possible futures and directions. Progress feels slow, thought I know I’m actually doing well under the circumstances. This is a reminder that my limitations right now are self-imposed and that I should by no means reduce my ambitions or my visions of the future. The past doesn’t matter because this is a whole new world, filled with new possibilities. I should not settle nor be shy about what I see for myself and those in my life. I should embrace the world, because it is my world!

7/18/2017 – Eight of Cups

photo of the 8 of cups from the Robin Wood tarot deckA figure sets out on a journey, leaving everything behind. This card speaks to a willingness to walk away from comfort and material things and to explore the unknown pathways of spirit.

I liken this card to The Hobbit, when Bilbo Baggins decides to leave the comfort and certainty of his life in Bag End to go on adventures that changed him forever. Two things drove him. One, was an internal dissatisfaction and desire to find something more that may have just been a part of his heritage. The other was the urging of someone he trusted that he was capable of more. Regardless of why it happened, Bilbo allowed himself to break free of his day-to-day life of relative ease and embrace the unknown.

From time to time we must all let go of our established pathways and explore other possibilities. Often these times are an impulse, a sudden departure. We hesitate and worry that the call is false and that we are simply being irresponsible, but that worry is precisely why we must make the journey. We must learn that the world can carry on without us, for we must all eventually make an ultimate journey from which there is no return. It’s good to train ourselves and the people in our lives that we may not always be around for everything.

This is also a call to be open to new things that we might encounter on this journey: new ways of living, new skills, new people in our lives. This need not be a literal journey. It might simply be allowing ourselves to rearrange our days to detach from routine and explore things that call to us. However, an actual journey might be exactly what is called for.

For me, this card makes sense. There are a few areas where I need to be bolder and to be ready to let go of current comforts and stability. Frankly, the idea terrifies me. What happens if I let down the people who depend on me? What if this departure doesn’t bring success, but a mess? A journey into the unknown is exactly that—unknown! I cannot tell what I will discover or achieve, which is precisely the point of doing it. I can see a few things that relate to this card’s meaning. I know I must be more active on them. It is a matter of gathering my courage and setting out on the journey.

7/17/2017 — Knight of Pentacles

photo of the Knight of Pentacles from the Robin Wood tarot deckToday’s draw is the Knight of Pentacles. A Knight in full armor sits astride a dark steed, holding a large golden pentacle. He looks out toward the journey ahead.

This knight can represent Ha mature man who is willing to be helpful to a cause. It also indicates the possibility of travel. I personally associate knights with a sort of questing energy, pursuit of a purpose, a boon. Pentacles also represents earth energy, which connects with structure, groundedness, stability. It also connects with growth, nurturing, wealth.

For me, personally, I am meeting someone after my time at the Museum today. They found me through someone who interviewed me on a podcast. The gentleman runs another museum. It’s likely that he just likes to connect with those who has similar sensibilities when he travels. It’s also possible that this connection could be helpful on my personal path and endeavors. Of course, it could be anybody that I encounter, so I need to be open to connections in general. Overall, this is a good card to see today.

Personal interpretation for me today: Expect an encounter with someone who understands something about my journey and is supportive of what I’m doing. Be open to connecting with people who show an interest, especially more mature men. Be open to the idea of travel if the opportunity presents itself..Today is a good day to think about my success goals and journeys I might take to achieve them.